Fruit Chips Drying Machine
Fruit Chips Drying Machine
2 years ago 1619 Views

Fruit chips can be saved economically by drying thinly sliced ​​fresh fruits with a drying machine.

Fruit chips, known as healthy snacks, have become very popular in recent years. Fruit chips are created by drying fresh fruits without natural additives. Chips are produced from almost every fruit. Among the dried fruit chips products, dried fruits such as strawberry chips, fig chips, apple chips, orange chips, paradise apple chips are among the healthy snacks frequently preferred by consumers.

Fresh fruits are collected from the field by the producer when the time comes and ripens. The producer sells his crop fresh. However, the short shelf life of other fruits that cannot achieve sufficient potential sales volume and the inability to keep stock encourages the producer to produce dried fruits. This business, which is mostly attractive to fruit producers, produces tons of chips at low operating costs. The fruit chips produced find consumers both in the domestic and foreign markets and are brought into the economy.

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